Your facilitators


Hanna Hart

Hanna is a Stanford-trained facilitator for the GSB’s Interpersonal Dynamics elective. She has fifteen years experience coaching executives and leaders in tech, philanthropy and law. Her areas of focus include leadership growth, career development, communication skills and business development. She also facilitates team building and leads skill-building workshops on giving and receiving feedback, coaching skills, and delegation. Her clients have included Google, Coursera, Gilead Sciences, Twitter, Ripple, Davis Polk, Natural Resources Defense Council, and numerous foundations. She started her career as a corporate lawyer in New York. Hanna lives in San Francisco with her family and enjoys reading, theater, bicycling, hiking, dog-walking, and word puzzles.

Hanna is passionate about helping participants develop self-awareness and interpersonal skills and is delighted to be working with her friend and colleague, Mo to create the T-Group weekend experience.

“Hanna did an amazing job on creating a safe and trustful environment.” 

“Hanna was instrumental in my experience throughout. She showed great care for the group, and struck an excellent balance between letting the group self-direct, vs. stepping in to ensure safety and support. She modeled risk-taking, self-disclosure, and gave feedback with great care. She checked in with me in thoughtful ways, and gave me specific feedback that was actionable.”

“Hanna was a great facilitator. She balanced facilitating with interacting/participating and modeled behaviors well.”


Andrew “Mo” Molina

Mo is also a Stanford-trained facilitator for the GSB’s Interpersonal Dynamics elective. He has trained and coached in the professional development space for seven years, working with a range of clients from K12 educators to non-profit and tech leaders. Mo brings a wide ranging toolkit to his development work. He holds two engineering degrees from Stanford (BS in Management Science and Engineering and MS in Computer Science), has taught at Stanford’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (the, and is also a trained actor. This combination of strong structure and analysis, creative process and artistic expression allow him to build bridges into the world of interpersonal dynamics and leadership for a myriad of folks in far-ranging contexts. He currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife and new cat, Biscuit. 

Mo loves supporting people in building interpersonal fluency, particularly re-writing their relationship to uncertainty and conflict. He is overjoyed to partner with Hanna on creating this experience for a larger audience.

“Mo is one of the most comfortably vulnerable people I know, and I was impressed by his willingness to consistently go beyond his comfort zone. His zeal for learning is so apparent, and he sets an example for everyone: he’s a role model for active participation and learning.”

“Mo was incredible. He was a constant, active listener, often playing a critical role within the group in helping members feel heard and supported. His commitment to taking personal risks in-line with his own learning goals modeled behavior that I believe influenced most, if not all, members of the group - creating a rich learning environment. He was great at creating space for members that spoke less. He tied various discussions together in a way that create cohesiveness and effective group learning. And he was great at being vulnerable and open in his own story telling…

“He has such a focus on learning, and watching him step into difficult conversations and be willing to make mistakes helped me learn and grow.”